Call by Reference

Lecture 14

Call by Reference

Arguments can generally be passed to functions in one of the two ways:
                (a) sending the values of the arguments
                (b) sending the addresses of the arguments

In the first method the ‘value’ of each of the actual arguments in the calling function is copied into corresponding formal arguments of the called function. With this method the changes made to the formal arguments in the called function have no effect on the values of actual arguments in the calling function. The following program illustrates the ‘Call by Value’.

The output of the above program would be:
Note that values of a and b remain unchanged even after exchanging the values of x and y.
In the second method (call by reference) the addresses of actual arguments in the calling function are copied into formal arguments of the called function. This means that using these addresses we would have an access to the actual arguments and hence we would be able to manipulate them. The following program illustrates this fact.
The output of the above program would be:
a = 20 b = 10

Note that this program manages to exchange the values of a and b using their addresses stored in x and y.

Usually in C programming we make a call by value. This means that in general you cannot alter the actual arguments. But if desired, it can always be achieved through a call by reference.

Using a call by reference intelligently we can make a function return more than one value at a time, which is not possible ordinarily. This is shown in the program given below.

And here is the output...
Here, we are making a mixed call, in the sense, we are passing the value of radius but, addresses of area and perimeter. And since we are passing the addresses, any change that we make in values stored at addresses contained in the variables a and p, would make

the change effective in main( ). That is why when the control returns from the function areaperi( ) we are able to output the values of area and perimeter. Thus, we have been able to indirectly return two values from a called function, and hence, have overcome the limitation of the return statement, which can return only one value from a function at a time.

Let’s Examine Ourselves

What will be the output of the following programs-

      int a, *b, **c, ***d, ****e;

      printf(“%d %d %d”, a, a+*b,**c+***d+****e);


Unknown said...

Very informative keep blogging.chemical overhaul

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