
Lecture 19

C language wouldn’t have been so popular had it been able to handle only all ints, or all floats or all chars at a time. In fact when we handle real world data, we don’t usually deal with little atoms of information by themselves—things like integers, characters and such. Instead we deal with entities that are collections of things, each thing having its own attributes, just as the entity we call a ‘book’ is a collection of things such as title, author, call number, publisher, number of pages, date of publication, etc. As you can see all this data is dissimilar, for example author is a string, whereas number of pages is an integer. For dealing with such collections, C provides a data type called ‘structure’. A structure gathers together, different atoms of information that comprise a given entity.

We have seen earlier how ordinary variables can hold one piece of information and how arrays can hold a number of pieces of information of the same data type. These two data types can handle a great variety of situations. But quite often we deal with entities that are collection of dissimilar data types.
For example, suppose you want to store data about a book. You might want to store its name (a string), its price (a float) and number of pages in it (an int). If data about say 3 such books is to be stored, then we can follow two approaches:

1.    Construct individual arrays, one for storing names, another for storing prices and still another for storing number of pages.
2.    Use a structure variable.

Let us examine these two approaches one by one. For the sake of programming convenience assume that the names of books would be single character long. Let us begin with a program that uses arrays.

This approach no doubt allows you to store names, prices and number of pages. But as you must have realized, it is an unwieldy approach that obscures the fact that you are dealing with a group of characteristics related to a single entity—the book.

The program becomes more difficult to handle as the number of items relating to the book go on increasing. For example, we would be required to use a number of arrays, if we also decide to store name of the publisher, date of purchase of book, etc. To solve this problem, C provides a special data type—the structure.

A structure contains a number of data types grouped together. These data types may or may not be of the same type. The following example illustrates the use of this data type.
This program demonstrates two fundamental aspects of structures:
                (a) declaration of a structure
                (b) accessing of structure elements

By the way,
Like primary variables and arrays, structure variables can also be initialized where they are declared. The format used is quite similar to that used to initiate arrays.
Note the following points while declaring a structure type:

The closing brace in the structure type declaration must be followed by a semicolon.

It is important to understand that a structure type declaration does not tell the compiler to reserve any space in memory. All a structure declaration does is, it defines the ‘form’ of the structure.

Usually structure type declaration appears at the top of the source code file, before any variables or functions are defined. In very large programs they are usually put in a separate header file, and the file is included (using the preprocessor directive #include) in whichever program we want to use this structure type.

Accessing Structure Elements

Having declared the structure type and the structure variables, let us see how the elements of the structure can be accessed.
In arrays we can access individual elements of an array using a subscript. Structures use a different scheme. They use a dot (.) operator. So to refer to pages of the structure defined in our sample program we have to use,


Similarly, to refer to price we would use,


Note that before the dot there must always be a structure variable and after the dot there must always be a structure element.

How Structure Elements are Stored
Whatever be the elements of a structure, they are always stored in contiguous memory locations. The following program would illustrate this:
Actually the structure elements are stored in memory as shown

Array of Structures

Our sample program showing usage of structure is rather simple minded. All it does is, it receives values into various structure elements and output these values. But that’s all we intended to do anyway... show how structure types are created, how structure variables are declared and how individual elements of a structure variable are referenced.
In our sample program, to store data of 100 books we would be required to use 100 different structure variables from b1 to b100, which is definitely not very convenient. A better approach would be to use an array of structures. Following program shows how to use an array of structures.


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